Adam Wang
full-time software, part-time photography :)

About Me

Hello! I am an undergraduate at the University of Washington studying computer science with a concentration in data science. I enjoy all fields of computer science, but am specifically interested in machine learning, computer vision, and big data. I interned at Amazon this past summer and will be returning there this fall!

I pride myself in being a very outgoing people-person and am always excited to meet and bond with new people. I enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone to try new things and am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow.

Outside of computer science, I enjoy taking photos of pretty much everything: cities, animals, landscapes, and people. I have shot for various events including concerts, senior portraits, prom photos, sorority events, student organization socials, etc.

Below are a few of my projects I've worked on over the years and a snapshot of some of my photography. If you want to see more content, check out my instagram or github.

Cheers! · resume · github · linkedin


Panorama Stitching

Stitches images together to make a panorama. It performs Harris Corner detection and matches the corners of each image together, and removes the outliers using RANSAC algorithm. Was a project for my Computer Vision course.

Corner Matches Images Final Panorama Image
Brownian Motion Visual

Simulates the random motion of particles in liquids and gasses. For example, pollen movement in water due to the collision of the water molecules. Further reading.

Displaying Video without a GUI

Converts live video input into ASCII characters using edge detection, convolutions, and resizing. It displays the output in the terminal, effectively showing real time video without a GUI. Was my final project for my Computer Vision course.

Corner Matches Images

Two-player game where the goal is to make the opponent crash into the edge or a previous crossed path. Modeled after a game I used to play when when I was little.

Conway's Game of Life

Created the Conway's cellular automaton using React. "The Game of Life is undecidable, which means that given an initial pattern and a later pattern, no algorithm exists that can tell whether the later pattern is ever going to appear." Play with it here!


Personal digital assistant. More coming soon :)

Isaac Cody Fence Portrait Athena Leh Portrait Isaac Cody Graffiti Portrait Kyle Senior Portrait 1 NYC Traffic Officer Portrait
PSA Gala Portrait 1 Kalissa Woo Portrait 1 Abbie Sawyer Portrait Reenah Gwak Portrait Melchi Wang Portrait Nika Woo Portrait
Kalissa Woo Portrait 2 Kyle and Kalissa Portrait Rosie and Eveyln Portrait Nika Woo Portrait 2 Random NYC Pedestrain Portrait
PSA Gala Portrait 2 Joao Portrait Nathan Yan Portrait Kyle Fan Portrait 2 Hannah Goodell Portrait 1 Rosie Huang Portrait
Groundhog Photo Hawk Photo Marmot Photo Jellyfish Photo Deer Photo
Bunny Photo 2 Bison Photo Common Starling Photo Butterfly Photo Bee Photo
Chipmunk Photo Sealions Photo Polar Bear Photo Two Sparrows Photo Goat Photo
Mt Rainier and Mt Baker Lower Antelope Canyon View from Alta Peak 1 Burnt Forest Trail 1 Mountain with Sunrays Canyon Boardwalk in Glacier NP
Sunset with Low Clouds Viewpoint Grand Prismatic Spring Heather Maple Pass 2 Lila Lake 1 Burnt Forest 2 Lila Lake 2 Canyon with Rainbow
Milky Way Galaxy Mountins with more sun Mountains in Glacier NP Hay Landscape View from Alta Peak 3 Heather Maple Pass 3 Alta Mountain 1 Sunset 2
PierBurger Santa Monica Space Needle Golden Hour Phily Building Tops Seattle Mountains Pike Place 1 Seattle Sunset Gasworks Pipes Franklin Square Mods Pizza Pike Place 2
Space Needle Kerry Park Seattle Link LA Triangle Building UW CS Building Seattle Gum Wall Wooden Helicopter Toy Philly Intersection Bellevue Downtown UW Red Tree Electrical Pole Long Exposure
Philly Downtown 1 Navy Carrier LA Cosmopolitan Hotel Philly Ferris Wheel Philly Downtown 2 Pike Place Fruit Shop Space Needle Underneath UPenn Walkway UPenn Med Building LA Market